Title: A Group of Seven F Series
Category: Acrylic Painting
Medium: PLA and Acrylic Paint on canvas.
Artist: Peter Scott 2024

Title: Commander
Category: Coloured Pencil Illustration
Medium: Coloured Pencil on Paper
Artist: Peter Scott 2011

Title: GT
Category: Coloured Pencil
Medium: Drawn on paper
Artist: Peter Scott November 2003
Drawn from a photo I’d taken during Brampton’s downtown “Classic Cars and Legendary Stars” event.
This original is for sale.

Title: Blue Willy
Category: Sculpture/Painting
Medium: Mixed Media, Paper/Cloth Mache and Acrylic on Canvas.
Artist: Peter Scott January 2023
This piece was inspired by a vintage Willys panel truck that I saw in Bobcaygeon one summer.

Title: Red BirdCategory: Digital DrawingMedium: Drawn on iPad using Autodesk SketchbookArtist: Peter Scott November 2003 This drawing was done from a photo I had taken during one of Brampton’s Classic Cars and Legendary Stars events in old downtown Brampton.

Title: YellowCategory: Sculpture/PaintingMedium: Mixed Media, Paper/Cloth Mache and Acrylic on Canvas.Artist: Peter Scott December 2022This was inspired by my vintage Yellow Jeep CJ. The sculpture is close to actual size.This original is for sale.

Title: Beni Category: Digital Drawing Medium: Drawn on iPad Artist: Peter Scott August 2020 Currently for sale on a mug. BeniThere is much more to this image. I plan on releasing it at a later date.You can currently purchase a “Beni” mug on my Etsy page. https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/876159759/beni-cat-mug-original?ref=listing_published_alert
Title: Eh Cat Category: Digital Drawing Medium: Drawn on iPad Artist: Peter Scott November 2020 Currently not for sale. Eh CatThis cat was done because I liked the expression. I actually have more than one variation of this guy.
Title: Hare Teaser
Category: Digital Drawing
Medium: Drawn on iPad
Artist: Peter Scott January 2021
Title: Arthur
Category: Sculpture
Medium: Mixed, Paper/Cloth Mache
Artist: Peter Scott Jan 2016
Title: Lucky Felino
Category: Sculpture
Medium: Mixed, Paper/Cloth Mache
Artist: Peter Scott Jan 2016
Title: Lucky Felino in progress
Category: Sculpture
Medium: Mixed, Paper/Cloth Mache
Artist: Peter Scott Jan 2016
Title: Yikes
Category: Sculpture
Medium: Mixed, Paper/Cloth Mache
Artist: Peter Scott Jan 2016
Title: Scuzzy
Category: Digital Illustration
Medium: Hand drawn on iPad
Artist: Peter Scott September 2020
Rosie O’Donnell sketch in pencil.
Peter Scott 1996